Remember? Those one times? When...
- When Emma hit a pigeon with her van
- Long summertime conversations with Elizabeth in Golden coffee shops
- Getting together in Green Center to study for a test and filling up all the white boards with concepts
- Driving through all the roudabouts on S Golden with Colton in shotgun going, "Weeeee!"
- When us seniors went to Snarfs and all ordered French Dips before the DigSig final
- Running up from Green Center basement to the kitchen to beat the grad students to the free food
- Post IV pie and skillets. Not being able to sleep after coffee.
- Standing in the cold in a field in Nowhere, CO waiting for the Northern Lights
- Studying in Higher Grounds till 7:30, moving to Starbucks until 9, and then heading to Woody's for college night
- Spring break junior year, when Nate evaded the cops
- Meeting at Higher Grounds with Rosie after the Structural final
- Choosing which snack you want from the Green Center vending machine because you've been in the building for 15 hours coding and don't have time to eat
- Techno kitten adventures
- Running with Rosie for the first time and not lasting 6 minutes
- Meeting up with Rima at the library and then venting over Sonic
- Spontaneous Sherpa excursions because the aroma was wafting towards campus
- Jam sessions
- Not having to ask Jayden where he wants to meet to eat (because Sherpa, obviously)
- Having to clean off the table at the Stoop before studying
- All the times Brandon drove me home from the stoop because I didn't have a car
- Having to knock to get into Brown because it's already 10PM and you've barely started studying
- Infinite cake, easy peasy lemon squeezy, and other Geophysics inside jokes
- Lon capa comments, and the legend of Mark Goldie
- Common hour tests, and the buzz about campus when they would go terribly
- Jayden's gross molasses thing
- Throwing socks in the Maple stairwell
- My two allnighters: Rebecca and Ethan, Rima and Brandon
- Moving Jayden out at the end of fall semester with Sara: vacuuming and moving his bed before check-out
- That one time in earth lab when that kid threw up.
- That one time Rebecca and I ended up in a game of shirts vs. skins of ultimate frisby after just throwing a frisby around alone on Kafadar one day
- Sitting in the middle of the hallway in Maple talking.
- Laine's big-a poster.
- Freshman pranks: stealing Brady's bed
- Brady and Brandon rearranging their room to forts.
- Late night convos with Sara in Maple 155A
- Goofing off in the study room on so called "study breaks"
- Brady's obsession with swag
- Walking into Jayden's room and plopping down on his futon with his fuzzy blankie
- Hanging out in Jayden's room while he reads off obscure internetness (i.e. Blucifer theories)
- Goldfish and fake tea
- Target runs with Sara while We Are Young played in the background